Reality Check

Our Climate Crisis
Is Calling

Many people mistakenly believe that “Global Climate Change” is a hoax.  Others acknowledge that rising overall temperatures and diminishing polar ice caps are cause for concern, but wrongly imagine that governments and corporations will, of their own volition,  take responsible actions to mitigate the pace and impacts of the warming process. Even among ecologically minded people, the reality and immensity of our climate crisis may not be fully appreciated.

Many of the roots of honest climate crisis misinformation can be found in the deliberately spread disinformation that was at the core of the corporate response to the social and environmental activism of the 1960’s.  Here is a video that details both the true severity of our climate crisis and the corporate campaign to keep us all from facing climate change realities.

“Beyond the Tipping Point” (8:32)

Only as we individually and collectively acknowledge that life on Earth as we know it is threatened by a deepening climate emergency that requires each of us to engage in Climate Activism, can we begin to turn the tide and move toward Climate Stabilization. To learn more about our climate crisis and how you and I can play our part in healing this aspect of our wounded world  click here to visit the Climate Action section of Imagine Peace and Plenty