Weather Warfare


In tandem with our culture’s determined effort to avoid acknowledging and confronting the challenge of climate change, a parallel – but more covert – process of actual weather manipulation appears to have been taking place for quite some time. The video which follows, details how our military experimented with weather manipulation as a weapon of war during the Vietnam conflict.

You can read about our military’s ongoing plans to draft Mother Nature in the book Weather Warfare.

Operation Popeye – Weather Warfare in Vietnam (2:47)

Following the Vietnam war as our government and its industry allies began to realize the impact of fossil fuel combustion on our atmosphere, it appears that secret programs were instigated to counter this impact without publically acknowledging the problem. Known as “geoengineering” these programs have proved far more damaging then helpful.  And because they have been carried out beyond the purview of public oversight, little outcry has arisen to bring them to a halt. 

The video which follows was produced by the weather manipulation watchdog and research group GeoEngineering Watch – an organization whose concerns and findings I encourage Imagine Peace and Plenty readers to research fully.

Hacking the Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality (43:57)

Confronting the reality of the global climate crisis can easily engender despair.   If we succumb to the belief that it is too late to act on behalf of climate stabilization, resignation and even denial may become psychologically seductive. But as we note in the “Welcome Home” page of the Imagine Peace and Plenty website, every crisis also offers seeds of hope, because it carries within it the potential for growth and transformation.  As Bill McKibben, the founder of 350.Org declares “As the temperature continues to rise, so will we!”

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